The forwarding of impermissible donations to political parties

11.02.2021 – The ACA has identified the recipients of impermissible political party donations of EUR 25,158.78

The Austrian Court of Audit (ACA) was tasked with forwarding impermissible donations of EUR 25,158.78 that had been made to political parties. In this regard, the ACA received 167 suggestions by citizens. The recipients were decided per lot:

The Austrian Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Vienna-based social organization for homeless people "neunerhaus", the association for children in need "Verein Kinder haben Zukunft", the children's hospice and familiy harbourage "Sterntalerhof", the Make-A-Wish Foundation Austria, the "VinziRast" society for homeless people and people affected by poverty and the association "Rainbows" for children in need receive EUR 3,000 each. The children's hospice "Netz" receives EUR 4,158.78.

ACA President Margit Kraker talks about the forwarding of impermissible political party donations in the ACA's Podcast "Trust" (available in German).